Air Traffic Service Routes (Airways)

Victor airways
Victor airways begin at 1,200' AGL and go up to but NOT including 18,000' and are defined by VOR radials. For these airways, state the word “victor” followed by the airway number in group form. For example:

        -V5 - “Victor five”

        -V18 - “Victor eight teen”

        -V222 - “Victor two twenty two”

Jet airways
Jet airways exist between FL180 and FL450. For these airways state the letter “J” followed by the airway number in group form (in this case, the phonetic pronunciation for the letter “J” is not used). For example:

        -J3 - “Jay three” 

        -J21 - “Jay twenty one” 

        -J121 - “Jay one twenty one” 

        -J107 - "Jay one zero seven"

RNAV airways
High altitude RNAV airways are identified by the letter “Q”, Low altitude RNAV airways are identified by the letter “T.” For “Q” airways, state the letter “Q” followed by the airway number in group form. For “T” airways, state the letter of the route phonetically, followed by the number of the route in group form. For example:

    -Q4 - “Q four” 

    -Q15 - “Q fifteen” 

    -T242 - “Tango two forty two”

Oceanic Airways

Named Routes.
State the words “North American Route” or “Bahama Route” followed by the number of the route in group form.

        -NR67B - “North American Route Sixty-Seven Bravo.”

        -BR55V - “Bahama Route Fifty-Five Victor.”

Other Air Traffic Service (ATS) routes.
State the letter(s) of the route phonetically, followed by the number of the route in group form. 


        -R20 - “Romeo Twenty.”
        -A50 - “Alfa Fifty.”
        -G61 - “Golf Sixty-one.”
        -A700 - “Alfa Seven Hundred.”
{Reference: FAAO 7110.65 2-5-1}

Navaid Terms and Fixes

Often routes will be issued or requested that reference radials or distances from VORs/TACANs/NDBs, etc.

When referencing a VOR radial, state the name of the VOR followed by the separate digits of the radial. For example:
        "Atlanta two eight two radial”

For a DME arc, state the distance in miles from the navaid, followed by the words “mile arc,” the direction from the navaid, and then finally the navaid name. For example:

        “One four mile arc south of Spartanburg”

If you need to define a bearing and distance from a navaid, state the name of the navaid followed by a radial and distance. For example:

       - “Athens one niner fice radial, seven mile fix”

Here are some examples of how you might apply these terms:

        -“Cessna eight three three four alpha, cleared to Winston airport via vulcan, vulcan zero eight zero radial, 
            FIXYY, dicrect..." 

        -“Beech one mike x-ray, fly heading 180, intercept the seven mile arc south of Athens, cleared VOR/DME-
            Alpha appraoch, Winder/Barrow County Airport.”

        -“Gulfstream three victor golf, for military airspace, cleared direct Snowbird three six zero radial two zero 
                mile fix, direct Nashville, rest of route unchanged.”

Clearances and routes will be covered in much greater detail in later lessons.

{Reference: FAAO 7110.65 2-5-2 & 3}